Explore RTM FloorplansFind the floorplan that matches your style, goals, and preferences. Whether that's a spacious RTM home or a smaller residence, we have what you're looking for. |
How it works
Explore 15+ incredibly designed floorplans
1 Find your floorplanBrowse and explore over 15 expertly designed RTM floorplans for any & all lifestyles. Learn more about each option, and ask us if you have any questions. |
2 Inquire onlineGet in touch with our team with the floorplan(s) you're interested in. We'll connect with you to meet and go over your customization options, goals, and preferences. |
3 Place your orderWe'll walk you through the acquisition process every step of the way, so that we can get your new home built & delivered to your address as soon as possible. |
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About Homes by EmpireHelping you with the next stage of your journeyOur team passionately works on delivering only the best designed floorplans, constructed with the best available materials. This promise ensures each and every one of our clients receives only the best possible RTM home for their family. |